Watch this video (again)
If you haven't already done so, watch "If you've seen what I've seen" - A warning for all parents from Queensland's Taskforce Argos which investigates internet-facilitated crimes against children.
Click on the image for this section to view the video.
For parents, nothing beats talking to someone about it - and the best place to do that is at one of our Information Nights.
Not only will you be fully informed about the latest issues and risks, we will provide the solutions to this issue.
Talk to your school or your Parents and Friends Committee and ask them to give us a call.
No devices in bedrooms
From the above video: "If you've seen what I've seen":
"NEVER allow your children to be alone in their bedroom with an internet capable device"
It is estimated that this step on its own will reduce the Cyber Safety risk to children by 50%
Tame the technology
Use parental controls and other tools to maximise online safety in your home. .
As stated by the eSaefty Commissioner, all the devices that connect to the internet in your home offer lots of benefits. But you also need to understand the risks associated with these devices and how to protect yourself and your family.
Explore how to use parental controls:
- on your home wi-fi network
- built into devices, including computers, mobile devices, gaming consoles and smart TVs
through third-party software
- in apps and programs, including streaming services, web browsers and search engines
Come to one of our information nights and we'll tell you all about it..